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Buyers name:
City:                                        State:                                           Zip
Home number:
Cell number:
Work number:___________________________________
Sex (check one):
Male _______  Female_____
Companion puppy _________

Ear Crop   Yes      or No       

Dam: Marvelous Force Pride
Purchase Price: _________________
Holding Fee : $1000.00
All deposits and ear cropping fees are non refundable .

Terms of Sale:
All puppies are registered with American Kennel Club ( AKC) and will carry the Enoch Cane Corso name on their registration papers.
"Pet" quality, in which registration papers will be given after the puppy has been Spayed or Neutered.
Owner must sign puppy up for socialization classes no latter then 12 weeks of age. Then after completing socialization class sign up for basic obedience and earn certificate.  And also needs to gain a AKC CGC certificate and title by 12 months of age.
Tails , Dewclaws are included in the purchase price, we do this a courtesy to our customers at no extra charge.
All Enoch Cane Corso puppies are guaranteed to be free of communicable disease at time of sale.
Buyer must have puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian within 3 business days of purchase date.
**Failure to do so will null and void health guarantees**
Seller accepts no responsibility after 3 business days of purchase date.
If a serious health problem is noted during licensed veterinary exam, buyer must submit detailed veterinary examination report to Enoch Cane Corso/Kathleen Wellner within 5 business days of examination.
Upon verification of veterinary health exam, puppy must be returned to Enoch Cane Corso at buyer’s expense. Within 15 days of verification.
When available, buyer will be provided with a replacement puppy of same sex, quality, and value.
All Enoch Cane Corso puppies are guaranteed to be free of any birth defects, (including, but not limited to, Crippling Hip Dysplasia) up to 24 month of age.
If puppy is suspect or diagnosed with any birth defect, buyer must provide written veterinary diagnosis within 5 days of occurrence.
Upon valid claim: Health Guarantee is void if dog has been Bred!!
"Pet" quality: Puppy will not be replaced unless condition is life threatening or severely lowers quality of life.
In addition, owner has the option to keep the original puppy pending Spay or Neutered and return of AKC registration papers to Enoch Cane Corso/Kathleen Wellner.
Buyer understands and agrees that extensive exercise before the dog is 18 months and mature is strictly prohibited. This includes Jumping in and out of vehicles; excessive stair use, prolonged jogging and any other activities that may cause undo stress to undeveloped joints.
Other Terms and Conditions:
Cherry Eye and Panosteitis (Pano/ Growing Pains) are common in the breed and are non-hereditary. Both consist of a very simple procedure to fix, and are NOT covered by this contract.
No replacements will be given due to problems, which result from buyer’s neglect. If neglect is noted, buyer agrees to return puppy to seller.
Enoch Cane Corso/Kathleen Wellner retains the right to visit at any time to check the dogs welfare should the dog be found mistreated or abused. At which time, Enoch Cane Corso/Kathleen Wellner has right of immediate possession of the puppy/dog without reimbursement.
No guarantees are made regarding temperament. Temperament of your puppy is based on the amount of time you give your dog and its socialization.


Buyer agrees to provide yearly veterinarian exams.
We suggest that Puppy should be fed a high quality large breed Puppy food.
At 18 months of age we suggest a high quality Large Breed Dog Food .
Buyer will continue to give their new pup one NuVet Plus wafer every day. NuVet Plus is a  nutritional supplement that works to boost the immune system and helps defend your pet's body against free radicals
This can  be ordered by calling 1-800-474-7044, Your order # is **56614 ** Discontinuing the use of this supplement will void all health & hip Guarantees***
Seller is not responsible for problems with landlords, family members, or allergies. Should such conflict arise, Enoch Cane Corso will assist in a new home placement of puppy/dog.
Enoch Cane Corso/Kathleen Wellner retains first option for the dog should the buyer decide to sell, give away, or euthanize the dog at anytime.
Buyer is responsible for all shipping charges and arrangements.
No guarantees are made as to time frame for replacements of puppies.
Enoch Cane Corso/Kathleen Wellner will not be liable for any medical expenses, veterinary fees, or any other expenses related to your Italian Cane Corso. Any dog/puppy that Kathleen Wellner from Enoch Kennel sold on spay and neuter contract that ends up getting bred or produces a litter buyer will be responsible for compensation to Seller in the amount of $3000.00 (Three Thousand Five hundred Dollars) per puppy .

Money will be paid within 30 day of acknowledgment    Initial_________Date_________
All legal actions, if any, are to take place in the state of Ohio county of Portage in which the seller resides.
Enoch Cane Corso/Kathleen Wellner will not be responsible for any and all legal fees including court costs, attorney fees, small claims fees

Buyer’s Signature:___________________________ Date: _____________

Seller’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: _____________

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Enoch Cane Corso 
Jerry & Kathleen Wellner 
Atwater,Ohio 44201

Owner/Breeder Kathleen Wellner  Atwater , Ohio 44201

© 2028 by Enoch Cane Corso

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